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Friday, March 22, 2019 at 12:15 PM – 01:00 PM on Workshop Room B
Facilitators: Dr. Hala Kahi Mouawad

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Background: Tobacco use contributes to an extensive list of serious diseases and it is the leading preventable cause of death. Reducing tobacco use can be a powerful weapon to lessen the impact of chronic diseases making the integration of tobacco cessation into all clinical services a priority. Many of those who make a quit attempt do so without help, and they are often unsuccessful. Still, tobacco use interventions, ranging from clinician advice to medication to specialist-delivered intensive programs are not only clinically effective but also cost-effective relative to other commonly used disease prevention interventions. Tobacco use interventions has been referred to as the “gold standard” of health care cost-effectiveness. Nevertheless, primary health care providers do not routinely deliver these interventions and major barriers are the lack of knowledge and skills. Consequently, the purpose of this workshop is to equip primary health care provider with tools that effectively help tobacco users to quit, and prevent the exposure to secondhand smoke. This can be done by adopting a care model which includes the 5 A’s brief tobacco intervention for patients who are ready to quit and the 5R’s motivational intervention for patients not ready to quit.

Aim: Improve primary health care providers knowledge, skills and confidence in delivering effective tobacco interventions

Session Description/Methodology: Multiple learning formats layered within the workshop including clinical cases, group discussions, physician-patient role-playing, and a powerpoint presentation covering key issues, algorithms and take-home messages.

Conclusion: To ensure that the delivery of effective tobacco dependence treatment becomes part of standard of care practice
